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  • qualityoflifeadvisor

Everything Already Exists

Nothing that you desire is ever off the table. You know why? Because it already exists for you, right here, right now. That’s right. Everything you could ever desire is already a reality for you now. How is this possible? Because we live in a multidimensional universe where there are infinite versions of each of us living infinite versions of our lives. Creation is already finished. And so, we are never truly “creating” anything. What we are doing is tapping into something that already exists and shifting our consciousness over to that reality in order to materializing it into our physical experience. All knowledge, all ideas, all creations, they already exist in the vastness of the quantum field right now, where space and time simply do not exist. So, the question is, how can we tap into this infinite field in order to experience our ideal reality right now?

Truth is, you are never separate from anything, ever. Separation is just an illusion of the ego. In fact, you are already one with everything that exists because everything is already and always of ONE energy, one energetic field of infinite possibilities. As such, there is nothing that you need to “do” to “make” anything happen, or to “bring” anything “to” you, because it is ALL already here and now. If you are not experiencing what you desire, then, it is only because you are not yet acknowledging that it is already right here for you now, and you are, instead, perceiving it as being separate from you.

The point is, whatever it is that you desire, know that it is already yours to experience now. And even if your physical experience at the moment appears to contradict this truth, continue to persist in your assumption and it will have no choice but to show itself in your world.

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