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Book Description:


The desire for happiness is likely the biggest motivator there is, as everything we do on some level has to do with our desire to be happy in one way or another. So why does happiness sometimes feel like such an unachievable goal?

In this book you will learn the answer to this question and more through a process that will enlighten you to your personal definition of happiness. "1 Week to Happy" and the steps outlined within will walk you through explanations and exercises that will not only help you understand the root of your unhappiness, but will also help you transform that dissatisfaction into pure joy. You will realize that happiness is a choice and that true inner bliss need not depend upon anything external to you. 

Furthermore, you will learn how to achieve your dream life from a place of inner peace and happiness rather than struggling and striving to just get by. As a result, you will start manifesting your best life with ease and your stress levels will start to melt away. In just one week you will be on your way to being your happiest and most fulfilled self.




"1 Week to Happy" takes books with a similar theme one step further by giving that quest for happiness and a calm life a structure that readers can relate to. Like a diet detox, the book has a plan for each day. Advice and exercises are in clear, common-sense language that makes it relatable to readers and keeps the advice from being overwhelming. The exercises make sense and are not so complicated or esoteric that they’d turn readers off.


The book takes full advantage of e-book technology, and readers will particularly benefit from the go back link at the end of each section. A physical reminder like that also helps keep readers on track and is a great prompt to making sure information was retained. The book was well-written and well-edited, a very professional product." Judge's Commentary from the 2nd Annual Writer’s Digest Self-Published eBook Awards




Vent. Do not repress  your true feelings 

Often in life we associate unhappiness with disappointments, dreams unfulfilled, setbacks, and so on. But what we need to recognize most is that it’s not the events in our lives that make us unhappy; it’s our perceptions and reactions to them that do. But at the same time we cannot deny how we feel. Sometimes we feel like victims of circumstance and sometimes we feel wronged or “unlucky.” That’s why this first step is so important; it’s important because if done correctly, it can give you great clarity and relief. So let’s begin. 

For today, go ahead and complain, blame, and vent it out. Cry, scream, pout, feel sorry for yourself, and do all that self-pity stuff that you feel so inclined to do. You know you want to, and that’s okay. Sometimes we just feel like feeling sorry for ourselves. Sometimes we just feel like blaming the world for our problems. But when we do, more often than not we feel guilty about it or we fear looking weak for it, so we stop ourselves before we are ready to truly let it go.  We’re told to suck it up, put our chins up, and take life with a smile.  While this advice sounds fine and good, what if you’re not ready for that yet? Certainly with all the talk about positive thinking and law of attraction, venting our negative feelings sounds quite counter-intuitive, but trust me, there’s a reason why we’re starting with this.  

When you repress your true feelings or feel guilty for having them then you allow them to linger. When you don’t deal with how you truly feel, you end up harboring resentment that sits deep within  your subconscious mind. Your beliefs about yourself and the world become tainted simply because you are not dealing with how you truly feel. What ends up happening is you end up  sabotaging yourself without even realizing it and so the cycle continues, you think you’re doing everything right and then BAM, another setback catches you off guard and you feel victimized and frustrated all over again.  

But when you give yourself permission to let out your frustrations then you are allowing the real healing to begin. Funny enough, when you give yourself permission and a reasonable time frame to vent, all of the sudden complaining doesn’t feel as appealing anymore. You start to realize how futile it is to blame the world around you. Essentially, you get bored of being your own wet blanket. Often times you won’t even want to vent all day; you'll be over it much faster than that. And if you force yourself to continue the venting, you just won’t have the drive to do it; it may even seem silly after a while. But even if you do want to keep going, even if you get some pay off from wallowing in your misery or just have a hard time letting go, then giving yourself a day, and no more than a day to vent gives you a boundary to follow. You give yourself permission to vent for one day, and then you nudge yourself to move on.  

FYI – I’ve dedicated a day and no more than a day to this process for a reason. That is, when you spend days, weeks, months, or more in the venting stage you are creating a negative momentum that only attracts more unhappiness into your life. In order to vent proactively you need to keep it contained and under control. It’s very easy to get caught up in the venting process and feeling like a victim, which is why it’s so important for you to follow these guidelines and not go over the time allotment. If you do need more time for this step, that’s fine, but please ensure that you are taking the extra time to work through your feelings rather than aimlessly venting and complaining for ego gratification. 

Once you're done venting you'll be much more open and less resistant to a solution, action steps, and ideas that are aligned with what you’ve been wanting and asking for. This is because you will have aired everything out and there will be nothing left to pack up and pack in. It will have all hit the light of day and evaporated from the darkness.  

Here are some exercises to help you vent and then transform your emotions....




Ontario, Canada



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©2009-2025 by Dora Nudelman

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